Companies are going through transition process to a business model adapted to the new "normal".

HAYS Romania launches the #FutureOfWork challenge, which addresses to HR leaders and managers.

Join the competition by filling in the form and your company can benefit from a Premium Tailored Training, supported free of charge by HAYS Romania experts and adapted to the recruitment needs of your department.

The Premium Tailored Training Award - The art and science of successful recruitment will be supported by a Hays Manager with extensive experience in recruitment and you will find answers to all questions.

We will touch topics such as:

  • Recruitment & Retention Techniques - What are the best employee attraction and retention techniques in the new era of work
  • Hyrid model and recruitment processes - How your company's recruitment processes should be tailored to the hybrid model
  • Employer branding through recruitment - How we turn recruitment processes into an employer branding tool
  • Mind the gap - How can we overcome the gaps between supply and demand in terms of salary packages, benefits, etc.
  • Mastering the candidate journey - How do we ensure that the candidates' experience is optimal

The topics we will discuss are unlimited, because we really want to support you and offer the best recommendations!


The competition ended on 30.11.2021 according to the regulation.

We are pleased to announce that Ms. Mădălina Bocai is the winner of a Premium Tailored Recruitment Training.

Thank you to all the participants!

Fill the form and enter the competition now!

I confirm that I have read and accept the  Campaign regulation

I confirm I accept to enter the competition for a free recruitment training